

1 – Prepare For Regime Change, Not Policy Change (N. Turkuler Isiksel)

“If you trust in freedom of expression to expose the autocratic machinations of a Trump administration, think again. It is no coincidence that Erdoğan and Trump are both litigious in the extreme, regularly using personal lawsuits to bludgeon their critics into quiescence. Autocrats understand that freedom of expression is fragile, and seek to stifle it by hook or by crook. The American free speech tradition is stronger than Russia’s or Turkey’s, but a hyper-sensitive, bullying White House press office could easily cow the media into favorable reporting. It does not take much for the deleterious chilling effect of such measures to take hold. Conservative “news” outlets already enjoy overwhelming dominance in the United States, and Trump’s singular genius is for manipulating the media. That, after all, is how he fueled the birther movement that in turn made him into a political force. Finally, he can also be expected, like Berlusconi, to create his own private media empire to shape the “truth” to which a large part of the electorate is exposed.”

2 – Trump in 2010: WikiLeaks ‘disgraceful,’ there ‘should be like death penalty or something’ (Andrew Kaczynski)

“The president-elect has repeatedly questioned the U.S. intelligence community’s assessment that Russia was the source of the hacks, which took place during the 2016 presidential campaign and targeted Hillary Clinton’s campaign chair John Podesta and the Democratic National Committee. During the campaign, Trump cited information released by WikiLeaks to attack Clinton and the DNC.”

3 – Prefeitos entregam cidades a Deus e “cancelam pactos com qualquer outra entidade espiritual”

“No primeiro ato administrativo de suas gestões, os novos prefeitos de Guanambi (BA) e de Alto Paraíso (RO) entregaram a chave de suas respectivas cidades a Deus. Em decretos municipais semelhantes, os dois ainda determinaram o cancelamento “em nome de Jesus, de todos os pactos realizados com qualquer outro Deus ou entidades espirituais”. Ambos são evangélicos.

Jairo Magalhães (PSB), prefeito de Guanambi, a 675 km de Salvador, decretou: “Declaro que esta cidade pertence a Deus e que todos os setores da prefeitura municipal estarão sob a cobertura do Altíssimo”. “E a minha palavra é irrevogável!”, escreveu ao final do texto, publicado no Diário Oficialdo município nessa segunda-feira.”

(Imagem do artigo “Prefeitos entregam cidades a Deus e cancelam pactos com qualquer outra entidade espiritual”)

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