voto_3421 – Artistas e intelectuais estrangeiros divulgam carta contra impeachment de Dilma (Revista Fórum)

“Assinam a carta nomes do cinema, da música e da academia como o ator Viggo Mortensen, de “O Senhor dos Anéis”, o músico Brian Eno, o cantor Harry Belafonte, cineasta Oliver Stone, a escritora Naomi Klein, o intelectual Noam Chomsky ou ainda o ator Danny Glover. Além dos artistas e intelectuais, um grupo de organizações norte-americanas divulgou um comunicado com o mesmo tom de protesto contra o processo de impeachment no Brasil. Assinam o documento, ao todo, 44 organizações trabalhistas e sociais, entre elas a poderosa central sindical AFL-CIO, que tem mais de 12 milhões de membros.”…/artistas-e-intelectuais-…/

2 – British Muslims marched off Easyjet flight after WhatsApp messages mistaken for ‘Isis material’ (Caroline Mortimer)

“Sakina and Ali said they had travelled to Iraq to take part in a sponsored walk to raise money for Isis’ victims. They claimed the officer said he had already done full checks on their travel history when the allegations came to light and they had all come back clear but that he would be doing “more research”. He allegedly said that if anything came up he would be “waiting for them” when they returned, but they were not questioned again at Stansted at the end of their holiday on 20 August. Maryam said they were eventually allowed to go back on board with an apology for the “inconvenience”, but that it was “humiliating” to walk through the plane afterwards.”…/british-muslims-isis-materia…

3 – Tory dream of a short, sharp Brexit (Tom Mctague, Christian Oliver e Hans Von Der Burchard)

“A government minister, speaking on condition of anonymity, agreed. “She is taking a direct involvement at a much earlier stage,” he said. “It is very Thatcheresque. Number 10 will be considerably better informed than it was before. The previous regime would only really get involved in the later stages”.”…/tory-dream-of-a-short-sharp-brexi…/

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