(Doonesbury – 1999)

1 – PSD desagradado com Juncker: É “espetáculo que não abona” em favor da UE (

“De acordo com uma notícia divulgada no domingo à noite pelo Expresso e Financial Times, Durão Barroso deixará de ser recebido em Bruxelas como ex-presidente da Comissão Europeia, e terá de dar explicações ao executivo europeu sobre a sua relação contratual com a Goldman Sachs Internacional, na qual assumirá funções de presidente não-executivo.”…/psd-desagradado-com-juncker-e-espetaculo…

2 – How will history treat David Cameron? (Dominic Sandbrook )

“Cameron will probably score highly for his introduction of gay marriage, and although there are many people who dislike him, polls suggested that most voters regarded him as a competent, cheerful and plausible occupant of the highest office in the land. To put it another way, from the day he entered 10 Downing Street until the moment he left, he always looked prime ministerial. It is true that he left office as a loser, humiliated by the EU referendum, and yet, on the day he departed, the polls had him comfortably ahead of his Labour opposite number. He was, in short, popular. On the other hand,

a lot of people liked Neville Chamberlain, too. Like Chamberlain, Cameron seems destined to be remembered for only one thing. When students answer exam questions about Chamberlain, it’s a safe bet that they aren’t writing about the Holidays with Pay Act 1938. And when students write about Cameron in the year 2066, they won’t be answering questions about intervention in Libya, or gay marriage. They will be writing about Brexit and the lost referendum.”…/how-will-history-treat-david-…

3 – Rift brewing between Putin and Merkel over UN nomination (Georgi Gotev)

“The controversy is based on different interpretations of discussions held during the G20 summit held in Hangzhou, China, on 4-5 September, when Merkel reportedly tried to obtain the support of Russian President Vladimir Putin for Georgieva.”…/scandal-brewing-between-putin-an…/

4 – How Donald Trump Broke The Conservative Movement (And My Heart) (Katherine Miller)

“What he has revealed is how conservatism isn’t sacrosanct, how precarious ideology is, how little people need to accept something in the name of partisanship.”…/how-donald-trump-broke-the-conse…


One thought to “Leituras do dia – 13.09”

  • Lynn

    something that completely changed how I look at the issue: (the phrasing is mine, his was much better) what would Shakespeare do? In Elizabethan England, Shakespeare wrote plays for mass audiences. If he were working now, the&#re8217;s a good chance he would be a tv writer in Hollywood. Not all great writers write novels or plays – some of them write for tv. If you turn your back on tv, you’re turning your back on a ton of creative talent.

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